Friday 2 January 2015

Music Magazine Flat Plans 2

Shown below are my second set of flat plans for my magazine.

In this flat plan I have included a skyline. This will plug some features in the magazine. I will colour this black so it stands out. The masthead will be positioned at the top third of the magazine cover. This is typical for most magazines due to the positioning of them in newsstands. I have done this so people will be able to easily and clearly view the name of this magazine so they will be able to recognize it in the future. 
I have placed cover lines at both sides of the magazine cover. The main image will be the background of my cover, so the cover lines will be placed over it. The cover lines would displaying headings and small blurbs about new features, rather than regular features. This will attract people to pick up the magazine. The main image will be of the same artist featured on the double page spread, and the pull quote will be from this article. The main image is important as it is often the first thing a person notices when looking at a magazine.
I have positioned the barcode at the bottom right corner so it is easily seen,but doesn't distract from the rest of the cover. 

In this flat plan, I have decided on two pages to include more information.This will attract new readers as they are able to get a feel for the type of magazine this is and what the content they can expect. I have positioned the title on the left page where it is easily seen along with the masthead. I have done this so there is a clear house style across my magazine. This will also help people become familiar with the masthead so it will be more recognizable to them. The contents are split into different headings. I have will use many different images to improve the aesthetics of the overall pages. I have included a thumbnail image of my cover as this is typical of a lot of magazines.

In this flat plan I have divided the article into three columns so that it is clear and easy to read. This will also ensure that the page is neat and professional looking, as my target audience will appreciate this. I will include drop caps at the beginning of new paragraphs. I have made the main picture of the artist one full page and I have positioned the name of the artist at the top of the second page. This makes it very easy to quickly see who the article is about. This makes it easy for people who are flicking through the magazine to immediately see who the article is about. Underneath the name of the artist I have included a small blurb about the article so the reader knows what to expect before reading the article. This would entice readers to continue to read on. At the bottom outer corners I have included the issue date, masthead and page number. These are positioned typically so that readers can instantly and easily find the page numbers. The issue date is included to make the magazine look more professional and the masthead initials have been included so the house style is evident throughout the magazine.

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